On the Day of Judgement, the non-believers both from the Jinn and mankind will be directly questioned if Allah-SWT's Messengers'-AS had not arrived to forewarn them of the accountability of this Day? They will have no option but to confess, and acknowledge their guilt. However, if the non believers try to deny they will be confronted with the testimony by the Prophets-AS and the Muslim Ummah. This is clear insofar as mankind is concerned, but the scholars argue on the Prophethood amongst the Jinn. They all agree on one point that after the descent of Prophet Adam-AS to earth, no Jinn has ever been raised as a Prophet-AS. Rather, all the Prophets-AS were from mankind and the Jinn were also obliged to obey them. But the question is that the Jinn inhabited this earth thousands of years before the advent of Prophet Aadam-AS so there must have been Prophets-AS among them. Some Commentators referring to Yousaf bin Yasif assert that he was a Jinn and a Prophet. Tafsir-e-Mazhari reflects over a possibility that the religion practised by the Hindus could be the teachings of a Prophet-AS from amongst the Jinn, which were later corrupted into polytheism. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that the idols they worship have strange shapes; some having numerous hands and heads, yet others having trunks like those of elephants. May be these were the physical features of the Jinn. Besides, their religious myths are also ghostly; but all this is a conjecture, as there is no evidence to substantiate this theory.
Prophets-AS Amongst the Jinn
The fact is that the capacity of Prophethood was given only to the Children of Aadam-AS, and Allah-SWT took an oath from the Prophets-AS in the 'Alam-e-Amr. They were all human beings, and Prophet Aadam-AS’s progeny. Besides, the influence of this capacity of Prophethood is visible in the entire mankind, whereby whoever believes in them, his heart becomes the recipient of Divine Lights. Given the company of an accomplished Shaikh, a person can attain all the stations of spiritual excellence. This is the secret of the superiority of human beings over other creation. If the Jinn too, had Prophethood, they would not have been deprived of the capacity to absorb Divine Lights, whereas experience shows that the Jinn can simply not bear and are burnt when exposed to them. However, the Jinn who carried the message of the Prophets-AS to their fellow Jinn have been termed as messengers, i.e. messengers of the Messengers-AS. According to Ahadith, before the advent of Prophet Aadam-AS the Jinn often created mischief on the earth and Allah-SWT would depute angels to punish the criminal and to nominate a noble one as their ruler, who ensured peace for some time. These noble amongst the Jinn who were appointed as the rulers have been termed as messengers, as they conveyed the Message of the Prophets-AS.
With this background, when Allah-SWT informed the angels of His-SWT intention to raise His-SWT deputy on earth, (Al Baqarah) they speculated mischief and bloodshed on earth. In this context, take note that Prophet Musa-AS's mother was blessed with llham. But the Quran uses the word revelation: Wa Ohaiina ila Umme Musa (And We-SWT revealed unto Musa-AS 's mother). In terms of Sharfah, Revelation is peculiar to Prophets-AS only while she was, for sure, not a Prophet-AS. Besides, in the Quran there is no indication of Paradise for the Jinn; only through obedience can the sinners save themselves from Hell. Had there been Prophethood amongst the Jinn, there would definitely have been a promise for Paradise. This is why the scholars assert that the Jinn shall not live forever. Those punished shall be condemned to Hell, while the rest will be Commanded to extinction. Allah-SWT knows the best! The reason for the waywardness of both man and the Jinn was that they were beguiled by the charm of worldly pleasures, and made its attainment their sole aim. The life given to attain the nearness of Allah-SWT was wasted in seeking the pleasures of this mortal world and now on the Day of Judgement they are left with no option but to confess that they were disbelievers.
Allah-SWT addresses the Holy Prophet-SW using the words: "Your Rabb-SWT ". Praise be to Him-SWT ! This is an honour conferred directly upon the Holy Prophet-SW and because of him upon every believer in general. It is such a great honour that only a person with an enlightened heart can value it. Allah-SWT does not destroy anyone inspite of his negligence without giving him ample warning. Every nation has been given guidance and is forewarned against evil in every Age. Thereafter those who reject the Message are seized by Divine Wrath and every one is requited according to his or her deeds. People sharing similar levels in piety or in crime would be grouped together because Allah-SWT is well Aware of the conduct of every individual.
He-SWT does not care whether people obey or disobey Him-SWT since it does not affect His-SWT Greatness. He-SWT is the Rabb of Mercy and is in no need to create anyone nor is He-SWT dependant on His-SWT creation's obedience. It is only out of pure Mercy that He-SWT created and blessed His-SWT creation with countless bounties. The human endeavour on the other hand is only motivated by vested interests. The poor serve the rich for money and the rich depend on them for labour. When someone feels that the other can be of no service to him, he becomes totally indifferent. Human beings are constantly in need of one thing or the other, whereas Allah-SWT Alone is above all needs. He has no vested interests; it is merely His-SWT Benevolence that He-SWT created man from nothing and blessed him with physical, mental, spiritual and innumerable other capacities. To crown these blessings He-SWT raised Prophets-AS for guidance, with His-SWT Revelations and Scriptures. He promised wonderful reward in the form of His-SWT Nearness and Pleasure. The system of this universe is right in front of the people! While they consider themselves to be the center of all activity they fail to reflect that those who lived before them also thought so. Yet they departed while the system goes on. Similarly these people shall leave one day and will be forgotten too, their departure leaving no void. But Allah-SWT is all Powerful and if He-SWT wants to, He-SWT can exterminate everybody in a second, and bring new people in their place. So be heedful, O’People! When you cannot alter the system of this temporal life, how can you influence the eternal results thereof? Certainly you cannot do it. In fact the Day of Judgement, predestined by Allah-SWT , shall come and no one can dare stop it.
Allah-SWT asks His-SWT Beloved Prophet-AS’s to tell the people, that if his obedience is not acceptable to them, they may continue to act according to their own desires while he keeps going his way. Soon the result will be out and everyone shall know it. While eternal result is sure to materialize, in this world too people will witness how the truth prevails and the darkness of disbelief of the disbelievers meets a gradual yet agonizing end. This is because Allah-SWT never helps the transgressors and polytheism is the worst form of transgression.
Just see how these people assign portions from their earnings, their wealth and cattle: a share for Allah-SWT and a portion for their idols or individuals whom they falsely deem as His-SWT partners. And if the yield drops, they do not decrease the share of their deities, but balance it out from the portion intended for Allah-SWT . They never, however, assign the share of their idols to Allah-SWT . While ascribing partners to Allah-SWT is a grave transgression by itself, they have gone further ahead to prefer their idols over Allah-SWT . This behaviour is an evidence of their wickedness.
Killing Progeny is a Heinous Crime
The effect of wickedness was so grave on their hearts that they took pride in killing their own children. The worst form of cold bloodedness and brutality in the world is the murder of innocent children. But when the parents themselves start killing their offsprings, the intensity of evil is multiplied manifold. Yet the viciousness of polytheism made them take pride in killing them. Thus their entire religion was corrupted and reduced to a pack of evil rituals. This is only physical killing, while those blinded by mundane desires keep their children ignorant of Din, persuading them to seek only the knowledge of physical sciences in order to build fortunes. They are the ones guilty of spiritual murder. Today's Muslims are gripped by this evil. The slain children of the polytheists will obviously be spared Hell, whereas those spiritually killed are at a higher risk of eternal loss. Thus the latter form is a greater injustice. May Allaah-SWT guide us all!
Had those people established a relationship with Allah-SWT they would never have indulged in such atrocities. Their virtue would have helped them in reforming their generations, but since they renounced the straight path of the Prophets-AS, the Holy Prophet-SW should also ignore them. This indeed is a stern warning that whoever ignores Allah-SWT's Din has no importance in the noble court of the Holy Prophet-SW
. Now, just look at the rituals which these polytheists take as their religion! They impose restrictions upon the use of certain grain, a fruit, and some time an animal for a particular class of people merely on conjecture without any authority. They allow only men to eat from a certain offering arid forbid the women, or they prohibit riding an animal, dedicated to their idols. And on some animals they would neither allow to invoke Allah-SWT's Name while slaughtering, nor dedicate it to Him-SWT . All this is indeed fabrication and blasphemy because Din comprises Divine Injunctions. To coin rituals and call it Din is malicious misrepresentation. Probably the present day gifts and offerings to peers (saints) by setting aside animals or the food grains to be used only by them; or dedicating animals in their names like the horse dedicated to Hadhrat Imam Hussain-RAU by the Shi’ites which no one else is allowed to ride, is a reflection of the rituals of the Age of Ignorance. Such malefactors will certainly be punished.
They also observe another ritual. If they redeem an offspring alive when slaughtering a pregnant animal, they also slaughter the little one and declare it permissible for men only and forbidden for the women. If, however, the offspring comes out dead, it is permissible for everyone. They shall for sure be punished for all this nonsense as Allah-SWT is well Aware of their deeds. The respite they enjoy is because of Divine Wisdom, as He-SWT is the Wisest.
Rituals of the Era of Ignorance
Out of sheer ignorance, the murder of children and the declaration of Allah-SWT's bounties as forbidden were already no less crimes. But to cap it all, they also declare these rituals as Din, which indeed is blasphemy and drifting far away from the path of guidance.
The offerings made to deities in those days comprised the following: (1) They would keep a portion for Allah-SWT from the income of their lands, and some for their idols and Jinn. If yield fell short, they would deduct from the share of Allah-SWT on the ground that Allah-SWT was rich, but they would meticulously guard the shares of all partners ascribed to Him-SWT . If by mistake, a portion of Allah-SWT ’s share got mixed up into the shares of others, they did not mind but if the converse happened, they would immediately return the share of their false deities. Similar is the situation we face today! If we have some engagements, or are taken ill, the first thing adversely affected is our worship. The Salat is not offered because of sickness but the business is conducted, the food is enjoyed, time is spent in relaxing and resting. While the only victim of ill health is the Salat. May Allah-SWT forgive us and guide us! (2) They dedicated animals to the idols by name, such as Baheera, Saiba; believing it to be a source of Allah-SWT's Pleasure. (3) They would bury their daughters alive. (4) They would dedicate certain farms and gardens to deities barring women to share. (5) They would dedicate certain animals to their idols giving no right or share to their women. (6) They would not ride the animals dedicated to the idols. (7) It was forbidden to take Allah-SWT's Name on certain animals while slaughtering or milking or mounting them. (8) They slaughtered the animals dedicated to their idols, and if one was pregnant and bore a live offspring, that too was slaughtered and only offered to men. If it was found dead, it was permissible for both men and women. (9) The milk of some cattle was considered permissible for only men and forbidden for the women. And lastly the animals, which they had dedicated to their idols, had to be held in high esteem, for they considered it to be an act of worship.
Considering all these rituals of the Era of Ignorance, let us reflect where we stand today!